Jake VanderPlas

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Open Source Projects


Altair is a tool for declarative data visualization in Python, built on the Vega ecosystem.


AstroML is a Python module for machine learning and data mining in Astronomy and Astrophysics. It contains many commonly-used tools from the astronomical literature, and hundreds of examples of their use. I wrote this package to accompany our textbook, Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy.


Scikit-Learn is a powerful and extensive machine learning library written in Python. I have contributed in many areas of the project, but primarily in the area of generalized N-point problems & manifold learning.


Scipy is a collection of Python tools for scientific computing. My main contributions have been in the sparse matrix toolkit, primarily in iterative sparse matrix decompositions and fast graph algorithms.

Other Packages

I also have made numerous small contributions to projects such as NumPy, Matplotlib, IPython, Hyde, Pelican, and others, and have open-sourced much of my other code and teaching materials. See my GitHub profile for details.